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博客來-Portfolio Management for New Products博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010531536
In this fully updated edition of Portfolio Management for New Products, the authors present a rigorous and practical approach to managing a company's product portfolio as you would a financial portfolio-investing for maximum long-term growth. With its field-tested, step-by-step framework, the book provides corporations and managers with the strategies they need to assess and realign their current R&D operations; determine which products are most worthy of resource allocation; design and implement a portfolio management process; maximize the value of their portfolios; and recognize and solve challenges as they arise. This book will be an essential resource for any company whose profitability, and very existence, relies on the products it chooses to develop and the speed with which it brings them to the market.
Robert G. Cooper is a professor of marketing at McMaster University. Founder of the widely employed StageGate product development process, he lives in Oakville, Ontario. Scott J. Edgett is associate professor of marketing at McMaster University and director of the Product Development Institute. He lives in Ancaster, Ontario. Elko J. Kleinschmidt is professor of marketing and international business and director of the engineering and management program at McMaster University. He lives in Ancaster, Ontario.
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